Start saving energy and money at your business.

PECO helps small businesses save big.

Photo of Landhope Farms' managers grabbing a cup of coffee.

“We saw immediate savings and our customers tell us how much they appreciate it. It’s a win-win. I wish we had more sites in Pennsylvania where we could make upgrades with PECO.”

—Michael Bucklin, Asset Manager
Landhope Farms

PECO can help you reduce operating costs, freshen up the look of your space and products, and make your upgrade projects hassle-free and affordable. We offer:

Energy Assessment

Free on-site assessment of your business, with a custom report detailing the estimated energy savings of potential upgrades.

Direct Install

Installation of energy-saving items.


Savings of 40%–60% off the cost of energy efficiency upgrades, including interior and exterior lighting, refrigeration and hot water measures.


Interest-free financing, discounts for payments in full and post-installation warranties.

Lower Energy Costs

Savings continue over the lifetimes of the installed equipment and measures.